The Way to Make Freezer Blocking Work for You

Blocking freezers is a technique to save money on your freezer for the home. With the autumnal temperatures upon us, this is the time of year when people are beginning to store the extra bounty of their gardens. Produce that has not yet been eaten must be stored to be used throughout the winter months.

After you've canned and/or packaged your veggies, they must be kept in a cold environment that is below freezing point as well as at a lower humidity. Colder temperatures slow down the natural degrading of vegetable matter. The majority of vegetables put in cold conditions are able to go into a kind of dormant condition.

It is evident that a cold storage space is the most cost-effective method. It makes use of the cold winter weather to ensure food stays cool. The downside to this is that temperature can't be controlled. If the temperature outside changes, then so does the temperature in the cold storage area. Additionally, very few modern homes include a cold storage area. It's not necessary in the modern world of fast-paced.

For those who don't have a basement cold storage space, another option is to use the home freezer. A lot of people utilize a tiny chest freezer for this. Chest freezers are the best option for a lot of gardeners. A upright freezer can also work , but they're not as effective (or equally cold) as chest freezers. Additionally, the smaller chest freezer is usually cheaper than an upright freezer of similar size.

If you do purchase a freezer, is it not economically viable to operate even if it's only full. Freezer blocks is an option that could be an solution to this issue.

In essence, freezer blocking fills the empty space within the freezer. The idea behind it that freezer blocking is ... that the smaller the amount of air that is in the freezer, the less electricity is needed to freeze the food. Anything that reduces the volume of the freezer causes the compressor to work less time keeping the inside cool. It's like having smaller freezer.

To accomplish this, cardboard boxes referred to as "blockers" are placed inside the freezer. The boxes are then packed with insulation. Any type of insulation can be effective, however simple wall insulation (fiberglass) is the most frequently utilized. It's both affordable and easy to obtain. A better alternative is to use the insulating peanuts for packaging and shipping. Some recommend using old newspapers. This is a good idea, but the insulation value will be much less than that of using fiberglass. Additionally, the newspaper will absorb moisture and turn very heavy to carry.

Whatever you put in the containers should be filled to the brim with insulation, then sealed and sealed with tape. It is not a good idea to have insulation mixed with food items. Boxes of different dimensions are ideal because they let you cover the spaces more effectively.

If your freezer is just half full, then you can place your boxes on the bottom of the freezer, or all on one side. This way , you will have better access to your food in winter months. The boxes that are placed on top is a pain since you'll have to take them off the boxes each time you need to access the food.

Another method is to put sleep bags or blankets within the spaces that are open in the freezer. The insulation method is generally preferred because it is more convenient to move boxes than a sleeping bag that has been used for a while.

Another option is to add water containers to the freezer...partially full of course - but remember that water expands around 10% after being frozen.

It is not the real freezing. Instead, it's a technique known as heat sinking. The containers of water that are placed in the freezer can then be frozen into ice blocks. Each time the freezer shuts off, the cold stored in the ice blocks will assist to keep food frozen. The ice will slow naturally occurring heat exchange between freezer's walls and food. The colder the interior of the freezer, the lower the chance that the cold control is able to activate the compressor. For more info, Visit:

Although it is a good idea to use heat sinks in theory, I do not believe this method is a good way to save money.

In all the above techniques, the effect (in the theory) can be that the freezer is made to run less. The less it runs, the less power it uses. How much energy can be saved through these methods hasn't been thoroughly examined. The most reliable estimate is that it can save the user 5% to 15 percent annually.

© 2021 Peter Miller, Weight loss consultant. 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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